I love your carpet you sent me! I'm gonna play with the carpet with Kim. But I was thinking about putting it in the toy room floor by the door when you first come in if you look down when you first come in you'll see the carpet. The weather is slowly dying but the beer is so delightful and since we have no place to go let it snow let it snow let it snow let's go to the beer store. The end now it's Katie's turn.
Love, bubba

Dear Daddy,
I miss you daddy. I loved how you watched us open our presents. And we watched you open your presents. It was a fun time. I'm sorry you didn't get to be there when we were opening our presents so you could see them. I love the new pony and the fairy on the pony. I loved how she had glittery wings with diamonds on them and they were gold wings. She had a pink dress, blonde hair, and pink shoes. She was beautiful. The pony was golden her tail was very golden too. Thank you for sending her to me. I can't wait to see if mom will let me play my hannah montana wii tonight. I will see.
Love, katie