The Santa Ana winds have arrived and are causing a ruckus around our yard. Tonight Bubba called me from upstairs, scared, because the wind was blowing the flags and they were making strange scratching noises on the roof. I explained what was happening, but he was still frightened.
From the bottom bunk, Katie made a suggestion:
Katie: Bubba, why don't you come down here and sleep with me?
Bubba: Um, ok Katie.
He gathers his Boo, blanket, and pillow and slowly descends the stairs to hunker down in the safety of Katie's arms.
After he gets situated, she smooths the covers and starts rubbing his hair.
Katie: Now, isn't that better my little boy?
Bubba: Yes. Can I sleep here the whole night?
Katie: You sure can. Don't you worry. Your sister will be right here the whole night long. After all, that noise is just the flags, right moma? (in a worried voice)
I assured her that it was nothing scary and they lay snuggled together content that they were safe in each other's arms.
And there's nothing wrong with showing a little kindness to your brother if you get some safety in return for yourself, right? ; )
Love, M~