Dear Daddy,
I hope you have a good time there. I was sad when we dropped you off. You can see my leaf man when you get back. And I hope you have a good time with me in your heart. I had cookies for breakfast and oatmeal for breakfast. And I even had my chocolate kiss from you today. Smiley face. : ) Now can I write Bubba? I love you daddy.
Love, bubba
Dear Daddy,
I'm having a fun morning. Are you having fun? Are you going on your airplane right now? How many friends are there? I felt sad when we left you. I ate cookies when we got home. And dinosaur oatmeal. There's dinosaurs in little eggs and as soon as you put the warm water they hatch out of their eggs. The cookies were chocolate chip - we ate the dough and then we cooked some and ate them. They were warm and gooey and good. I miss you and love you daddy. Oh! And take pictures of the cow on the airplane.
Love, katie