Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Reaping all the benefits...

What's good about your sister being sick?

Reaping all the benefits. :) (Did that make you think of the Jon lovitz line from the wedding singer? Me too.) ;)

Love, M~

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dear Daddy

Dear Daddy,

What are you doing right now? I hope you're having a great time. Did your friends enjoy the pumpkin cookies? I know they liked them. I hope you send pictures of the cow to us soon. It would be very fun to see what the cow is doing. Is the cow funny? Or are you speaking for him like a puppet? Or are you not? I love how you're my good daddy. One day we'll send you a picture and a note. I hope you have a good time the next day. We have the night right now and you have the day. And tomorrow, you'll have the night and we'll have the day.

Love, bubba


Dear Daddy,

What are you doing right now? Are you having fun? We went to a new church. It was great. We went back there tonight for dinner but I felt sick so I didn't want to do my class. I didn't eat much of my dinner. I saw dessert and bubba got ice cream. I didn't get any cause I was too sick. And I didn't eat my dinner. I have to eat all of it to get some dessert. The election was great. Guess who won! Barack Obama! Hee hee hee (doing a happy dance). We're trying to find a new church so that we can all go to church together when you get home. The church we went to before was boring. The one by the airport I mean. So we're looking for a new one. We loved when you were dressed up in a chicken suit. We loved those pictures. Don't you remember about when we went to vacation? It was so fun. Don't you think we went to the castle and even the aquarium. I think alot about when we went on vacation because it was so fun with you. Because I had you then.

Love, Katie

Monday, November 3, 2008

Three Weeks Down

Dear Sweetheart,

Time is going by a little more quickly now and I am so thankful. We seem to have found our new "normal" and are doing pretty well. Though we never miss you any less, it is always nice to get back to the comfortable place where life seems stable again.

The kids had a great Halloween. We did our usual traditions and as they get older it just gets more fun. We missed you so much and wished you were there with us!

Election Day is finally upon us. I am happy that all of the political mess will be over for a few years at least. I have been sick of all the banter, commercials, and name calling for many months now. Let's just get it over with already. We know the outcome.

Have a good week and know that with every breath I am thinking of you and wishing you were beside me. Nothing can take your place. I love you madly!

Love, M~

Bubba-isms #2

Overheard this morning after breakfast. Bubba was playing with Boo and reciting commercials he had heard.

"I'm George W. Boo and I approve this message"

Love, M~